What is CSULB NSU?

The CSULB Nikkei Student Union is a social, cultural, and service-oriented Japanese/Japanese-American club.Our mission is to develop positive social interactions within and outside the club to promote and educate ourselves and others of Japanese/Japanese-American culture and issues, and to render our services to the community.

What's Happening

We organize a variety of community-building activities, and participate in events organized by the larger Japanese-American community of Southern California.Check out what events are coming up!

Photo Gallery

Check out our photo library of past events!


Want to become a member of CSULB Nikkei Student Union? Although not required to participate in our meetings and events, those who are members get discounts and are prioritized for our events such as our socials, basketball tournaments, and retreats!We typically offer memberships in the first few weeks of each semester. Memberships are often bundled with a CSULB NSU t-shirt, which we design and produce every year. Check our Instagram regarding information on how to sign up!

© All rights reserved. Made by Vatika Tech.


CSULB Nikkei Student Union は、1991年に California State University Long Beach 校で設立されたサービス指向の学生団体です。社交・文化交流 ・地域貢献 を通じて、日本文化・日米文化を探求しています。私たちのミッションは、友好的 な関係をNSU の内外で築くことで日本・日米 間における文 化や社会題の議論を促 進し、地域コミュニティに関与することです。また、良好な人間関係を形成することができる開放的 で多様性のある環境を築くために、CSULB NSU では日系人や日本人だけでなく、興味のある方はどなたでもイベントに参加することを推奨しています。毎週、木曜日 の1 8時から約1時間行っているミーティングでは、メンバーに最新の情報を届け、社交的なアクティビティをします。そしてミーティング後は、地域の様々なスポットやレストランを巡るアフターイベントも開催しています。ミーティング以外にも、先輩・後輩プログラム、レクリエーションナイト、毎年行われる文化祭、などのイベントを運営します。私たちは南カリフォルニア州の日米コミュニティと深く連携しており、ボランティア活動やイベントを通して地域 コミュニティの機能と成長に貢献しています。CSULB NSU 公式SNSアカウントと元キャビネットでは、質問や相談を歓迎しています。ぜひ各公式 SNS(インスタグラム、フェイスブック、ティックトック)をフォローして、クラブの最新情報をチェックしてください。

CSULB Nikkei Student Union の元ロゴ・家紋は, Madi Tanaka によってデザインされました。


CSULB Nikkei Student Union の役員会はキャビネットと呼びます。様々な運営活動を企画・実行し、活動目標と CSULB NSU の成長に尽力します。以下がキャビネットにおける、各役員の仕事内容になります:





Intercollegiate Nikkei Council 代表者

Intercollegiate Nikkei Council 代表者は、毎月行われるINC会議に参加し、他のINC団体とのコミュニケーションをサポートします。




ソーシャルマネージャーは、CSULB NSUの旅行・宴会・イベントの企画・実行を行います。


カルチャーマネージャーは、メンバーに日本・日米文化を紹介し、毎年行われるイベントである「Culture Night」を企画・実行します。


広報マネージャーは, CSULB NSU が実施する様々なイベントで写真を撮影し、公式SNSを管理します。


スポーツマネージャーは、毎年行われるスポーツ大会と、定期的なイベント「Rec. Night」を企画・実行します。


会員関係マネージャーは、「先輩・後輩プログラム」を企画・実行し、CSULB NSUのOB・OG学生との良好な関係を維持します。


学生顧問は支援を必要とする役員と協力する事と、クラブ及び役員が CSULB NSU の任務を従ってる事を確認する役割があります。

貢献者 は湊稔也と他の2022・2023年度のキャビネット、さらに Vatika Tech の創立者,
エマニエル・タフェセのコラボレーションにより構築された CSULB Nikkei Student Union のホームページ


CSULB Nikkei Student Union is a social, cultural, and service-oriented student organization, and was established on the campus of California State University Long Beach in 1991. We are a club that explores the Japanese and Japanese-American cultures, with Nikkei translating to Japanese or Japanese-related.Our mission is to develop positive social interactions within and outside the club to promote and educate ourselves and others of Japanese/Japanese-American culture and issues, and to render our services to the community. CSULB Nikkei Student Union has never been or ever will be exclusive to those of Japanese ancestry and encourages anyone and everyone to join and participate in its functions. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where people can participate in community activities and build everlasting bonds.General meetings are held every Thursday at 6:00 pm where we update general members on events, volunteering activities, and ongoing programs. These meetings typically last for an hour, and are followed by after events, where we explore the city and take general members to various locations and food hotspots. Other than general meetings, we organize additional community-building activities such as senpai-kouhai events, recreational nights, our annual culture night, and much more! We are also heavily involved with the wider Nikkei community in Southern California, and contribute to the functions and growth of the community through volunteer work and events.Please feel free to reach out to CSULB NSU or any present cabinet members with any questions or concerns! Make sure to follow our Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok for updates on our functions!

Culture Night

First organized by Jason Fujii in 2016, one of our biggest events is our annual culture night. Directed and organized by our Cabinet's Culture Night Producer(s), Culture Night is a collaboration involving the assistance of other cabinet members and general members, typically organized into committees, as well as numerous Japanese/Japanese-American organizations and businesses. Our mission with Culture Night is to represent our heritage and to give back to the community.

Senpai - Kōhai Program

CSULB NSU's Senpai - Kōhai is our mentorship program between a member who has been in the club for over a semester, and a newly joined member or anyone looking to be a Kōhai. The name of the program is derived from Senpai - Kōhai relationships in Japanese Culture/Society.

History of CSULB NSU

The current CSULB Nikkei Student Union was established in 1996 by James Matsuki. It is currently unknown when the first Japanese-American organization at CSULB was established. By the time James had transferred to CSULB, the organization had become inactive, prompting James to re-start it. By the 1997-1998 school year, CSULB NSU had become an active club on campus, with a booth at Week of Welcome.The constitution of CSULB NSU was in large part modeled after the constitution of The Young Buddhists Association (YBA), due to James's heavy involvement in the organization. General Meetings were held monthly at the time, and were organized similarly to YBA meetings.

The current logo/Kamon of CSULB NSU was designed by Madi Tanaka in 2019.


The governing body of CSULB Nikkei Student Union, termed Cabinet, is responsible for carrying out the functions of the organization and to maintain effective continuity of the organization’s progress, goals, and growth. CSULB NSU's cabinet typically consists of the following positions:


The president directs and ensures that the club achieves the objectives and maintains the purpose of the club.

Vice President

The Vice President assists the president in managing the club, and finds volunteering opportunities to build relationships in the Japanese American Community.

Intercollegiate Nikkei Council Representative

The Intercollegiate Nikkei Council Representative is responsible for attending monthly INC meetings and upholds communication among INC organizations.


The treasurer is responsible for reporting club expenses and maintains a financial reccord of CSULB NSU's transaction history.

Social Chair

The Social Chair plans CSULB NSU's hosted retreats, banquets, and events.

Culture Chair

The Culture Chair(s) are in charge of educating members on Japanese and Japanese-American culture, and organizing our annual Culture Night.


The Historian is responsible for taking pictures at every event and managing the club's social media accounts.

Sports Coordinator

The Sports Coordinator(s) host at least one sport tournament every school year, and are responsible for regularly hosting recreational nights.

Director of Member Relations

The Director of Member Relations is responsible for organizing the Senpai-Kouhai program and maintaining positive relations with our Alumni.

Student Advisor

The Student Advisor is in charge of aiding any cabinet members who require assistance, and ensures that the club and cabinet members are following our mission statement. is the current website of CSULB Nikkei Student Union, produced by James Minato and the rest of Cabinet for the 2022 - 2023 school year, in collaboration with Emanuel Tafese, founder of Vatika Tech. Translated to Japanese by Kota Harada and James Minato.

Senpai - Kōhai Program

CSULB NSU's Senpai - Kōhai is our mentorship program between a member who has been in the club for over a semester, and a newly joined member or anyone looking to be a Kōhai. The name of the program is derived from Senpai - Kōhai relationships in Japanese Culture and Society.Our Senpai - Kōhai program is directed and organized by our Director of Member Relations with the assistance of the rest of Cabinet.



Senpai, or senior, refers to the member of higher age or experience. To become a Senpai for this program, one must have a minimum of one semester of NSU experience.



Kōhai, or junior, refers to the member of lower age or experience. Kōhai should show gratitude, loyalty, and respect to their Senpai.

Culture Night

First organized by Jason Fujii in 2016, one of our biggest events is our annual culture night. Directed and organized by our Cabinet's Culture Night Producer(s), Culture Night is a collaboration involving the assistance of other cabinet members and general members, typically organized into committees, as well as numerous Japanese/Japanese-American organizations and businesses. Our mission with Culture Night is to represent our heritage and to give back to the community.Culture Night 2024 will be our ninth annual Culture Night. The event is currently in production, being organized by Charley Soo.

Past Culture Nights

Here is a list of our past Culture Night productions.

Ichigo Ichie


Ichigo Ichie (一期一会) is a popular Japanese phrase meaning "one time, one meeting" or "once in a life time." Returning to tradition, Ichigo Ichie is a performance organized by members of CSULB Nikkei Student Union. Ichigo Ichie took place on April 21st, 2023, from 7 pm to 9 pm.



Hajimari(始まり) is a collaboration between CSULB Nikkei Student Union and JACL Pacific South West District, hosted at the Japanese American National Museum, organized by Kellie Yada and Seia Watanabe. Meaning "beginning" in Japanese, Hajimari was named after our desire to foster new relationships within the Japanese American Community. Contrary to past CSULB NSU Culture Nights, which have traditionally been performances, Hajimari was a cultural festival, involving a diverse roster of activity booths and community organizations. Hajimari took place on April 23rd, 2022, from 2 pm to 5 pm. Hajimari is our 7th annual Culture Night.



Arise is a collaboration between CSULB Nikkei Student Union and CSUF Nikkei Student Union in the format of a fully virtual five episode web-series organized by Maya Shimizu, Nina Cereno, and Amy Kubo. The performance focuses on three main characters, Camille Kataoka, Nathan Taylor, and Yumi Yamazaki, each representing different identities within the Japanese American Community.

Culture Night 2020


Culture Night 2020 is an unnamed Culture Night production by CSULB NSU which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Organized by Seia Watanabe, this performance follows two friends, Hinata and Kaoru, who are separated when Hinata moves to Japan due to her parents job. Culture Night 2020 highlights the differences between Japanese & Japanese - American cultures, and the characters' struggles with their self-identities.



Tsunagu (繋ぐ), meaning "to connect", is CSULB NSU's 2019 Culture Night performance. The story follows two long lost siblings, Luke Chiba and Kana Fujimiya, who were raised in California and Japan respectively. This story is about family meaning more than just blood; family is about love, patience, understanding, and acceptance. The production also included Soran Bushi, and a special performance by Miharu Okamura and Dylan Hunt. Tsunagu took place on April 13th, 2019 at the USU Beach Auditorium from 6:00PM.



Momotaro (ももたろう) is CSULB NSU's 2018 Culture Night performance. The performance took place on May 5th, 2018 at the USU Beach Auditorium and started at 7:00 PM.



Okaeri (おかえり) is CSULB NSU's 2nd Annual Culture Night performance. The performance took place on May 6th, 2017 at the USU Beach Auditorium and started at 6:30 PM.


The governing body of CSULB Nikkei Student Union, termed Cabinet, is responsible for carrying out the functions of the organization and to maintain effective continuity of the organization’s progress, goals, and growth.

2023 - 2024 Cabinet


Bryan Takenaka


Caitlin Cruz

Vice President

Charley Soo

Culture Chair

Khang Ho

Social Chair

Erin Hayashida

Director of Member Relations

Gabby Teh

INC Representative

Shane Ando


Kandice Okamoto

Co-Sports Coordinator

Jory Furukawa

Co-Sports Coordinator

Mikayla Lowe

Co-Publicity Chair

Brison Hirakawa

Co-Publicity Chair

Aidan Kosaka

Student Advisor

2022 - 2023 Cabinet

Lindsay Kashiwabara


Aidan Kosaka

Vice President

Sean Iida

INC Representative

Gabby Teh


Tyler Tanaka

Sports Coordinator

Ana Paz Espinosa

Social Chair

Kazu Asakawa

Co-Culture Chair

Erin Hayashida

Co-Culture Chair

Bryan Takenaka

Director of Member Relations

James Minato


Maya Shimizu

Co-Culture Chair

2021 - 2022 Cabinet

Clayton Takamiyashiro


Maya Shimizu

Vice President

Sean Iida

Social Chair

Kyle Masukawa

Co - Sports Coordinator

Aidan Kosaka

Co - Sports Coordinator

Lindsay Kashiwabara


Marisa Tanga

Director of Member Relations

Kenneth Kwon

Culture Chair

Richelle Chow


Kellie Yada

Culture Night Producer

Yuma Kikuta

INC Representative

David Lee

Student Advisor

Seia Watanabe

Student Advisor

2020 - 2021 Cabinet

Seia Watanabe


Madi Tanaka

Vice President

Sean Iida


Clayton Takamiyashiro

Culture Chair

Maya Shimizu

Culture Night Producer

Janelle Sasaki

Director of Member Relations

David Lee

Co - Sports Coordinator

Kyle Masukawa

Co - Sports Coordinator

Julian Shiba

Social Chair

Wesley Nakao

Student Advisor

Lindsey Yoshiyama

Student Advisor

2019 - 2020 Cabinet

Miku Fujioka


Vivienne Nguyen

Vice President

Madi Tanaka


Seia Watanabe

Culture Night Producer

David Lee


Jordan Box

Co - Sports Coordinator

Jayson Yamasaki

Co - Sports Coordinator

Emily Wong

INC Representative

Yoshi Nogimura

Activities Coordinator

Lindsey Yoshiyama

Director of Member Relations

Momo - Kubo Allen


Alex Yasui

Social Chair

Wesley Nakao

Culture Chair

Past Cabinets

Here is a list of past cabinets of CSULB Nikkei Student Union.

2022 - 2023

Vice President
INC Representative
Sports Coordinator
Social Chair
Culture Chair
Director of Member Relations
Student Advisor

Lindsay Kashiwabara
Aidan Kosaka
Sean Iida
Gabby Teh
Tyler Tanaka
Ana Paz Espinosa
Kazu Asakawa
Erin Hayashida
Bryan Takenaka
James Minato
Maya Shimizu

2021 - 2022

Vice President
Social Chair
Sports Coordinators
Director of Member Relations
Culture Chair
Culture Night Producer
INC Representative
Student Advisors

Clayton Takamiyashiro
Maya Shimizu
Sean Iida
Kyle Masukawa
Aidan Kosaka
Lindsay Kashiwabara
Marisa Tanga
Kenneth Kwon
Richelle Chow
Kellie Yada
Yuma Kikuta
David Lee
Seia Watanabe

2020 - 2021

Vice President
Culture Chair
Culture Night Producer
Director of Member Relations
Sports Coordinators
Social Chair
Student Advisors

Seia Watanabe
Madi Tanaka
Sean Iida
Clayton Takamiyashiro
Maya Shimizu
Janelle Sasaki
David Lee
Kyle Masukawa
Julian Shiba
Wesley Nakao
Lindsey Yoshiyama

2019 - 2020

Vice President
Culture Night Producer
Sports Coordinators
INC Representative
Activities Coordinator
Director of Member Relations
Social Chair
Culture Chair

Miku Fujioka
Vivienne Nguyen
Madi Tanaka
Seia Watanabe
David Lee
Jordan Box
Jayson Yamasaki
Emily Wong
Yoshi Nogimura
Lindsey Yoshiyama
Momo Kubo-Allen
Alex Yasui
Wesley Nakao

2018 - 2019

Internal Vice President
External Vice President
Sports Coordinator

Kylie Castaneda
David Lee
Miku Fujioka
Vivienne Nguyen
Jayson Yamasaki
Wesley Nakao
Emily Wong

2017 - 2018

Vice President
INC Representative
Sports Coordinator
Social Chair
Culture Chair
Fundraising Chair
Social Media Chair

Juli Yoshinaga
Kylie Oshiro
Amara Nakamura
Jordan Morinishi
Kelli Kato
Jordan Box
Miku Fujioka
Kailen Sallander
Christina Mark
Tyler Sakata

2016 - 2017

Vice President
Publicity Chair
Sports Coordinator
INC Representative
Social Chair
Fundraising Chair

Justin Shimane
Katherine Shinno
Go Kagiya
Kelli Kato
Jordan Morinishi
Kylie Castaneda
Kylie Oshiro
Scott Arima


Interested in sponsoring or partnering with NSU or just have a general question?


As a service-oriented club, CSULB Nikkei Student Union organizes a variety of events.

Photo Gallery


Culture Night

Annual I Spring Semester

One of our biggest events is our annual Culture Night. Organized by our Cabinet's Culture Night Producer(s), Culture Night is an involuntary collaboration involving other cabinet members and general members, typically organized into committees. Our mission with Culture Night is to represent our heritage and to give back to the community.

List of Events

Here is a list recurring current events/activities hosted by CSULB Nikkei Student Union.

NSU Modern

Bi-Weekly I Mondays I 6:00 pm

CSULB NSU Modern is a casual, beginner friendly dance workshop lead by Gabby Teh and Ana Espinosa.

Rec. Night

Bi-Weekly I Mondays I 5:30 pm

Rec. Nights are recreational events planned by our sports coordinator, and serves as an opportunity to participate in various activities/sports, and meet new people.